Executive Coaching that is science-based, succinct, and specific to you
Executive Coaching
that is science-based,
and specific to you

"I work with clients to disrupt their thinking;  this generates new insights that help create more effective approaches to replace old patterns.”

- Elena Jensen, Executive Coach
Executive coaching session provided by Elena Jensen, who specializes in helping physicians and healthcare leaders.
Tree branches with leaves, symbolizing the executive functions of the brain and mental processes that underlie planning, focusing attention, and completing tasks.

Executive Coaching

I work with clients to create greater Self-Awareness:  the cornerstone of Emotional Intelligence.   This is the gateway to strengthening Social Awareness, Self-Management, and Relationship Management.  Executive Coaching refers to the executive functions in the brain, not a position within an organization. They are the mental processes that underlie focusing attention, planning, collaborating with others, and completing tasks. Many of us get stuck in a rut between the 'knowing better' and the 'doing better.’  Our work is to refine your thinking; this generates new insights that help bring to light attainable ways of bridging that gap.

I offer three-month coaching blocks.  This succinct timeline is the forcing function that compels us to be intentional in our work together.  Each of our sessions will result in a short homework assignment for you to complete before our following session.  This is an integral piece that serves to move our conversations from theory to application.  Our goal is to see you develop a self-sustaining skillset that will eliminate the need for my support over time.  I work hard to be replaced by ‘the voice in your head.’

Before committing to a coaching engagement, an essential first step is a no-cost introductory meeting to determine if coaching is the right support you need, and whether my approach feels right for you. I encourage you to call me, or send me an email with any questions, or to schedule time to talk.

Contact Me

“Chance favors only the prepared mind.”

- Louis Pasteur

The heart symbolizes compassion, appreciation, and a personal connection.


I customize talks based on specific needs, audience, and context.  I have developed several Leadership Development Sessions which I have facilitated both regionally and nationally;  in-person and virtually.   My tried and true sessions are:  

• The Compassion of Dissent
• The Art and Science of Appreciation
• Us, Them, and Me:  The Case for Compassionate Communication
• Compassion for your Brain in the Midst of Chaos

My talks include facilitated exercises and discussions to ensure each participant makes a personal connection to the material – this guarantees that the information presented is useful to each attendee, not just interesting.  

Contact Me

“In theory, there’s no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.”

- Yogi Berra

Light from a lantern, held in the air by a person looking over water.

Leadership Consults

Do you need help navigating a complex situation, or a crisis?  Are you avoiding a certain individual, or dodging a conversation?  I offer expert support that includes finding the right words to establish a safe environment so you can engage with colleagues in a productive way, despite the circumstances.  

Leadership consults are short-term, situational advising engagements. We will work together to distill the issue(s); to get clear on your intention; and to define the steps you want to take.

To access my availability, and schedule a Consult directly, click here:

Contact Me


"Elena Jensen is a marvelous executive coach. She utilizes her deep understanding of applied neuropsychology and compassionate communication to help leaders better understand their capacities and their responsibilities. She helped me greatly with thorny interpersonal dilemmas, vexing institutional issues, and complicated ethical quandaries. All the while maintaining strong positivity and encouragement; I looked forward to each session. Without a doubt, Elena helped me be my "best self" as a leader and helped me lead with clarity and conviction."
Donald Matthews, MD
Chief, Anesthesiology
"Elena’s coaching does several things for me.She gets me out of my own head and helps me to see other perspectives about situations I’m thinking about. She calls me out when I start to rationalize or justify things. She teaches and guides me with stories, studies and readings that are educational and enlightening. She is honest and clear in her opinions.She is ethical. And at the end of the day she is my biggest cheer-leader,encouraging me to be my very best self—the one she knows I can be."
Patricia Fisher, MD
Chief Medical Officer; Hospitalist
"Elena is an amazing coach! Her approach to executive coaching is to develop attributes and instill confidence in the individual to lead skillfully and with compassion. This executive practice is essential for any individual with a leadership role. The work is challenging and requires continued practice; however, the benefits are far reaching and impact not only your direct employees but everyone in your respective communities. Elena imparts her wisdom in a genuine and effective way. She intentionally does not promote longitudinal coaching and instead provides the foundational skills to become an impactful leader independently. Her wisdom is felt beyond the formal coaching sessions; she is like a genie in a bottle that I can call upon any time, and I find myself channeling her daily.
Christa Zehle, MD
Senior Assiociate Dean for Medical Education; Pediatric Hospitalist
"I must admit I was a bit hesitant about doing executive coaching when it was recommended for me. I was not sure what I would gain. Boy, was I wrong. Elena changed my life. Working with her taught me that you can achieve success with compassion, potentially the only worthwhile endeavor for leadership. Elena helped me evolve my primitive emotional responses to a more sophisticated level. I have perspective now. I have the tools to be a flawed human with a willingness to improve.  I cannot encourage anyone in medicine enough to reevaluate what compassion can do for you both in leadership and direct patient care. Elena’s commitment to my learning has endured long after our formal coaching. She truly lives and breathes compassion teaching at the roots of good pedagogy: to bring out from within."
Jose F. Abad, MD
Medical Director; Family Medicine Physician
"The current way we work is full of distractions: email, text messages, articles with tips on strategies, short-cuts to success etc. Working with Elena helped me strip that all away.  She helped me to understand the value in getting clear about my intentions, letting go of the outcome, being grounded in the present, and working to leave others better off.  I find myself using the lessons I learned from her at work and at home.  Elena is highly-skilled and I would recommend her as a coach to anyone looking to explore ways to be better as a human, not just as a leader."
Jesse Moore, MD
Associate Professor of Surgery; Colon and Rectal Surgeon
"In my role as a palliative care physician, conversation researcher, teacher and healthcare leader/manager, I come into contact with many skilled communicators. Elena is among the most effective, intuitive, compassionate and clear communicators I have ever met. Her skill and presence have helped me to navigate many challenging situations with confidence. She has an uncanny way of welcoming me to (re)evaluate my own perspectives, consider those of others with care, and to work to understand what the "right thing (or things) to do" are in any situation. She comes well prepared to all of our meetings and tracks not only the demands of my leadership role, but also my developing skills and experience."
Bob Gramling, MD, D.SC.
Head, Division of Palliative Medicine
"Having Elena in my corner as my Executive Coach has been a game changer. Elena has a special talent in helping highlight broader perspectives, hone in on communication skills, and foster the talents one possesses to be more efficient and collaborative. I feel that she is incredibly knowledgeable in philosophy, neuroscience, communications, business and other areas and is able to apply them to life circumstances such that she has been able to help elevate me as a person and therefore a more effective leader. She has often been a guiding light, whether navigating through big or small periods of change. I hold Elena in the highest regard and cannot express my gratitude enough."
Amy Lynn Teleron, MD, FACP
Internal Medicine Hospitalist
"My sessions with Elena had a significant effect on my work and my approach to relationships with my coworkers.  Specifically, she gave me several frameworks to use to focus my energies and understand how I think and behave.  This has led to an increased understanding of the motivations of others, increased empathy and most importantly, increased productivity on my part.  Many people noticed the improvement, especially in my approach to complex projects that involve multiple individuals with diverse viewpoints.  Personally, she has provided a path to increase my understanding of myself, providing a critical but non-judgmental approach to help me learn more about myself and those around me.  Working with Elena was a transformative experience for me, and her caring empathic approach led to measurable improvement."
William Jeffries, PhD
Vice Dean for Medical Education
"I’m truly having a hard time adequately capturing how affected I have been by the experience of coaching.  I was profoundly moved and changed by the experience of coaching.  I was able to shift my thinking and recognize the leader I want to be- both what I want to do and how I want to do it.  Not only did I learn how to examine some of my insecurities and maladaptive responses to stress, I was able to better understand the ways in which I can rely on my deep desire to care for others.  I found the work with Elena to be intensely moving and helped me to see the ways in which I can lead with integrity and compassion.  Acknowledging my values around choice and self-determination, I more fully understand how I could serve my team more effectively."
Anna L Benvenuto, MD FACOG
Chief Medical Officer; Women’s Health Physician
"Elena has extended my professional life significantly.  Her interests in neuro sciences, empathy and nonviolent communication coupled with a genuine desire to help people, made her the very best executive coach I ever had. She is real, sincere, and direct."
Claude Deschamps, MD
President and CEO; Thoracic Surgeon
"Elena came into my professional life at the right time.  As my executive career was advancing my usual pitfalls were getting in the way for me to unleash my potential and truly to be honest with myself.  Through her kind, humble and delicate way of asking me smart and sometimes hard questions, Elena pushed me to listen to my deeper self and continues to help me improve my self-awareness.  Elena is a smart down to earth human being full of empathy and compassion."
Dragos Banu, MD, FACP
Physician Leader; Internist
"Elena has so profoundly changed my approach to Leadership as well as my professional career. I have taken many Leadership courses as well as had Executive Coaching before which were helpful to learn the foundational components. Elena challenged me to define WHY I do Leadership and to refocus on the joy that it brings me. She provided the support and tools to focus my work on human interactions, which arguably is the most important part of Leadership.  She is an incredible coach, human, and teacher. I feel very fortunate to have been able to spend dedicated time learning from her."
Natasha Withers, DO FAAFP
Associate Vice President; Family Medicine Physician

"The moment one definitely commits oneself,
then providence moves too.”

- Goethe

Guiding Principles


A positive state of mind maximizes the brain's capacity to think and reason. Our work will stay focused on desired outcomes. There’s no value in beating up the past; instead, we learn from it, and use it to inform the future.

Courage of Conviction

Our best work requires full presence, commitment, intuition, and good faith. I have developed expertise through 25+ years of experience and education; but it is my courage of conviction to create long-lasting value for clients that sets me apart.


The nature of our work together sometimes calls for pulling on trust I have yet to fully establish with a client. I am committed to the highest level of integrity and confidentiality so that I can ask for this leap of faith.


My work focuses on leaving my clients better off so, in turn, each can have a positive impact on the people in their organization, their families, and their communities. This impact often continues to ripple through several degrees of separation. When one person leaves another better off, we all benefit.


We will often have the opportunity to bring to light a sense of shared humanity in our work and, with that, a bit of levity. While our work might be demanding at times, I create an environment of trust and compassion. I ensure a productive process bolstered by plenty of humility and good humor.

Portrait of Elena Jensen, Executive Coach
Elena Jensen
Executive Coach

​​I am a seasoned Executive Coach and Facilitator.  I specialize in working with Physician Leaders, Health Care Professionals, and Community Leaders.  My work is focused on leaving each of my clients better off, and better able to make meaningful and sustained contributions in the essential positions they hold within our communities.

I started my career in the United States Marine Corps where I acquired a deep respect for the tenets of leadership. I noted that, without exception, the best leaders were compassionate leaders.  After the military, I worked to develop expertise in Employee Relations, Leadership Development, and Executive Coaching. Over the last 25 years, I am grateful to have acquired robust leadership experience that also benefited from my personal interests: Applied Neuroscience, Compassion Cultivation, Positive Psychology, and Emotional Intelligence.

In 2015, I was invited to join the Academy for Contemplative and Ethical Leadership sponsored by the Mind and Life Institute – a small consortium of thought-leaders marked by their consciousness, conscience, and ability to influence larger systemic changes.  My work focuses on the development of individual leaders as a catalyst to increase the wellbeing of larger groups. To that end, I completed an intensive, year-long Applied Compassion Training program through Stanford University's Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE).  In November 2020, I graduated in their first cohort as an Ambassador of Compassion.

I completed my certificate in Brain-Based Coaching through the NeuroLeadership Institute, where I also completed a robust program on the Foundations of NeuroLeadership, with distinction.  Neuroleadership turns a very complex field into simple and effective methods that help align our actions to our intentions.  I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Rochester, and a Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management from Troy State University.

I enjoy paddleboarding, hiking, and skiing.  I am an avid, although moderately-paced reader.  I live in the idyllic town of Richmond, Vermont, with my husband, our two daughters, our two dogs, and Radar: our oversized cat.


I encourage you to call or email me with any inquiries or questions.


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